Get Smart – support the first CycleHack Cambridge 24 – 26 June
Smart Cambridge is helping to organise the first CycleHack in Cambridge – bringing together cycling, innovation and technology as part of a global event to make cities more cycle friendly.
On the weekend of the 24th – 26th June Cambridge will be joining more than 40 cities around the world for the 48-hour CycleHack stimulating exciting new ideas for more and safer cycling.
The Smart Cambridge programme will support the event by making usable data available, involving the city’s tech’ community and promoting solutions developed at the hack to help to address city challenges through the Greater Cambridge City Deal.
CycleHack Cambridge is aiming to attract a wide range of people from developers, makers and data scientists to non-technical artists, designers and the diverse cycling community, including students and young people.
In Cambridge, the event will be held at Anglia Ruskin University and other locations with specialist equipment. Participants will be encouraged to test their ideas and prototypes around the city during the event.
Solutions can fall into one of the five CycleHack categories; digital, physical, policy, local plan, event/campaign. Hacks will be loaded to the online open source catalogue to show how the ideas can be replicated. Prizes will be awarded to the best hacks.
To register and find out more, please visit the Cambridge Cyclehack eventbrite page or Facebook page.
Partners organising the event include Cambridge Cycling Campaign, the Smart Cambridge Programme, CoDE Research Institute at Anglia Ruskin University, and CycleStreets.
Sponsorship has already been provided by the Cambridge City Council with funding from the Cycling and Walking Promotion Grant but further sponsorship is currently being sought. There are lots of opportunities to support the event.
Involvement can be through financial sponsorship, donation of skills and time, promotion of the event, provision of materials/merchandise/technology, mentoring during the Hack or provision of prizes. Contact either Roxanne De Beaux of the Cambridge Cycling Campaign via their webpage or Da***********@ca************.uk“>Dan Clarke to find out more.
CycleHack was launched in 2014 in Glasgow and has since grown to a global event. In 2015 CycleHack had more than 600 participants from over 25 countries across 5 continents. 67% of participants were inspired to cycle more. In 2016 the event is set to be even bigger with more than 40 cities already registered. Find out more at