Broadband Bulletin September 2012
Read our new Broadband Bulletin to keep you updated about the Connecting Cambridgeshire campaign.
Better broadband for all
Latest figures show that close to 17,000 homes and businesses have registered their demand for better broadband in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough. The Connecting Cambridgeshireregistration campaign is the fastest growing in the country and has overtaken neighbouring counties.
The figures include a high percentage of registrations from people living and working in communities with little or no broadband coverage compared to other counties – but many more are needed to demonstrate there is high demand for superfast broadband in these areas.
Communities and businesses of all sizes are being urged to back the campaign before December, when a supplier will be selected and planning for the roll-out of superfast broadband will begin.
New A5 flyers and posters are being sent to parishes in with low registration numbers to encourage local homes and businesses to register their demand online on the Connecting Cambridgeshire website or by returning Freepost reply forms available in libraries and council offices.
Broadband Champions
Much of the success of the campaign is due to the efforts of more than 70 Broadband Champions encouraging communities and businesses across the county to register for the campaign as well as highlighting local broadband stories.
Several parishes are close to achieving 100% premises registration and some Broadband Champions are now helping neighbouring communities to recruit volunteers and increase support for the campaign.
Twenty-five Broadband Champions recently took the opportunity to meet local councillors and project team members to find out about the progress of the project and ask questions at the firstConnecting CambridgeshireNetworking Event held at Shire Hall,Cambridge.
Thanking them for their support, Councillor Nick Clarke, Leader of Cambrigeshire County Council, said: “The Connecting Cambridgeshire campaign is gathering momentum and the fantastic response we have had from residents and businesses shows how much demand there is for bringing better broadband for all.
“We want to thank our growing network of Broadband Champions for their efforts encouraging people to register for the campaign in homes and businesses across Cambridgeshire andPeterborough. We need as many people as possible to register before the end of the year to bring the substantial investment needed to make it happen.”
If you would like to volunteer as a Broadband Champion for your area or can help to support the campaign, please email your contact details to Connecting Cambridgeshire
The Connecting Cambridgeshirestand proved popular at the recent Cambridgeshire B2B Business event at Newmarket Racecourse, and the campaign has visited many local events including flower shows, village fetes, and markets stalls over the summer. Contact Connecting Cambridgeshire if you would like posters, leaflets, or balloons for your local event.
Rural communities
Cambridgeshire ACRE is keen to improve broadband coverage for rural parishes and communities, and has helped to distribute articles to parish magazines and newsletters to promote the campaign.
Project Director, Noelle Godfrey, recently spoke about the campaign at Cambridgeshire ACRE AGM and will be the keynote speaker at the rural charity’s Broadband Seminar for Parishes at the Boathouse Business Centre in Wisbech in November.
Community case studies
A range of case studies showing the difference that superfast broadband will make to our communities and businesses are being collected and posted on the campaign website. A short community case study video has been made in the Alconbury villages with the help of local Broadband Champions to show the impact broadband has on people’s lives. Look out for links to the film on the Connecting Cambridgeshire and Shape Your Place websites.
Libraries tour
Cambridgeshire County Council’s Library Service is helping to encourage more people to register for better broadband access by displaying Connecting Cambridgeshire campaign banners, and information in libraries, supported by posters and leaflets. A detailed display is touring larger libraries, whilst campaign banners are making the rounds of smaller libraries in rural areas where broadband coverage is poor. Visit the website for more details.
We hope you find this newsletter useful. Please send your comments and contributions to Connecting Cambridgeshire
Connecting CambridgeshireProject Team
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