Connecting Cambridgeshire’s work for Cambridgeshire County Council shortlisted for two LGC Awards

Photo shows fibre ducting installed in Robin Hood Junction, as part of the Dig Once policy

Dig Once Policy delivers carbon savings and improved connectivity across Cambridgeshire

Photo of the first Cambridgeshire customer to be connected via the Project Gigabit rollout.

First Cambridgeshire Project Gigabit customer connected via CityFibre’s network

Two Openreach engineers standing outside wearing hard hats and pointing at an open laptop.

Cambridgeshire to benefit from Openreach’s huge broadband upgrade

Lucy Frazer MP with CityFibre staff, standing in front of a CityFibre-branded van. They are all wearing hi-vis jackets and smiling.

Work begins on Project Gigabit rollout to 45,000 hard to reach homes across Cambridgeshire

Photo showing a new pathway included as part of Linton Greenway construction.

Fibre ducting helps to bring faster internet access for Cambridgeshire communities

Infographic explaining that deploying fibre ducting at the same time as delivering infrastructure schemes brings many other benefits as well as better digital connectivity.

Speeding up digital delivery and saving carbon in Cambridgeshire

Two Openreach engineers feeding fibre into ducting while standing in front of an Openreach van in a new housing estate on a sunny day.

Thousands across St Ives and St Neots missing out on faster broadband

Gigaclear Project Delivering Lead Chris Baldwin presenting Mr Soper with a bottle of champagne.

Gigaclear brings high-speed broadband to Stilton and “Life’s just got a lot easier” – declares resident

£122m plan set to bring lightning-fast broadband to 45,000 rural homes and businesses in Cambridgeshire

Photo of someone's arm holding a white, hard hat with the CityFibre logo on it.

CityFibre’s primary-build in March is now complete

CityFibre’s primary-build in Peterborough is now complete